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a suggestion or better yet a reminder

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I know theres going to be ALOT of upset virtual pilots in the MP end when they can't connect because they a) changed their aircrafts fm or dm inis files,or some one has a plane or 2 installed the others don't have..

So you can a)have 2 installs..one plain for MP,that way everyones on the same page,or b)come up with an on-line standard(Like in SDOE).

So with all the changes being made..EVERYONE should have 2 installs.If you don't and you've modded you install so the new planes you've added flys betters,or the Spad turns better or the other planes turn faster...then you can't get into a MP game..don't start crying..once you change an INI file when you try to connect the game MP part conciders that a cheat and you won't be able to hook up.EVERYONE PLAYING MUST HAVE THE EXACT SAME GAME...PERIOD.With this posted anyone who has a modded install and complains they can't play MP and all they did was make their spad fly more realistic when the others hadn't that is crying and will be locked or deleted.

So to make life easier..2 installs one plain for MP and one modded to the max for single play.simple.

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