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Piston Engine Data.ini

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I'm just working on a DATA.ini for a Fairey Swordfish and I'm trying to figure out some of the variables in the there.


MomentOfInertia - what does this represent the engine, the prop or the whole system. And er.. what units is it in?

MinManifoldPressure - Again what units, and am I right in thinking for a normally aspirated engine this should be a negative number?

MaxManifoldPressure - Can this be positive in a normally aspirated engine or only turbocharged ones?


Finally is there a list anywhere of all the piston engine and prop variables anywhere? I don't as yet have First Eagles so I can't look through the aircraft ini files there, but if anyone knows which DLL they hide in I can have a poke through and strip them all out.

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Manifold pressure in combustion engines (which a piston or rotary is) is usually measured against earth's atmopshere and in Standard English measurements (lb,ft,in, etc) it is measured in inches of mercury or (inHg or Hg). I don't know how to tell the difference between max or min, but this little posting might help.

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Guest capun



Do you have Charles's document? It's a compendium of knowledge gleaned from posts, TK's feedback and Charles's own stuff.


It pretty much goes over the Data ini variables,


It's at his site

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Southern, thanks for the link that explains it perfectly, I was confusing absolute and relative pressures.


Capun, thanks for that, I actually had an older copy from a few years back, the latest one filled in a lot of holes.

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