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General Question about this sim and online play via Hyper Lobby or however...

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so I'm interested in this sim after having some installation issues with the downloadable version of IL-2. can you fly the F-14 online in this game, and in general, how is the online play? if it's solid I may be sold.

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Moved to the General discussion forum.


There is an F-14 avilable as a 3rd party download for the game. I don't know about the online play, but I would assume from seeing some screen shots that you fly any of the aircraft that are avilable for download here online against other people. To my understanding most people use Hyperlobby to fly online.

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I would think you would only be able to fly them online if everyone in that specific game had that 3rd party mod downloaded, am I correct?

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I think so. I believe that this is like MSFS in that sense. If not everyone has that mod, then you will get a crash to the menu screen when logging on for online play.

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