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I notice myself that there seems to be very little feedback,topics are looked at but the response is next to none,how come...........? :(

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Guest Ranger332

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Maybe people are just obeying that old phrase "If you've got nothing worth saying, dont say anything at all" :)

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I have noticed that as well. Maybe AD has it but its especially frustrating when your asking for opinions or for help.

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T i agree,feels a bit like "figure it out for yourself" and i for one don't like people who post at the littlest doubt before trying to find things out for themselves and reading the FM or doing a search of the board,but sometimes,well, i really can't find it .............

T if you need answers try Simhq you probably know it already,but i do get more feedback over there......



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I'll agree with Dave on AD on this one. Most people here won't post if they don't know the answer or have anything constructive to say. On other boards though, posting "I don't know" is a frequent thing. It does make it seem like no one is listening sometimes though.

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T i agree,feels a bit like "figure it out for yourself" and i for one don't like people who post at the littlest doubt before trying to find things out for themselves and reading the FM or doing a search of the board,but sometimes,well, i really can't find it .............

T if you need answers try Simhq you probably know it already,but i do get more feedback over there......  



You'll forgive me if a take this a little "personal", but I feel most people here are very helpful and will give help when known. I just jumped back through your posts and see you asked one question, about the darksea mod. In the same thread you answered your own question on what the issue was. Did you try asking the author of the mod for help at all, or let him know what you found out?


Now I personally have not tried installing it, but my first inclination would be to search the forums for anybody else that's had the same issue, then I would have emailed the author of the mod with the issues. But to basically come on here and more or less say these forums are crap seems a little harsh.


I apologize if I seem a little abrupt, but I've been packing for a move for two weeks and didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I'm a little grumpy... :?

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MadJeff after posting i already felt that it was a bit on the edge and i figured this would happen,so i'm the one who needs to apologize........


But to reply to your advice;i did send the author an e-mail twice this past week without any answer,but if you look at his site you can see a screenshot with the Darksea mod without my probs?(maybe anyone else can reach him?)

And i searched the forums at this and every site i'm aware of for possible answers (Skunkworks,SimHQ and more...).

So i tried to figure it out for myself,and usually i get things working in the end,but this time i got stuck!(frustration.... :twisted: )

Guess i lost my patience..............stupid!


MJ i added this site to my favourites after a first glance cause it looks very professional,so might also be some disappointment that i didn't find my answer here................ :(


Hope you don't take it personal anymore because that was the last thing i intended!

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No, I apologize, I shouldn't have taken it that way. Damn packing is starting to get to me I guess... ;)


If I get a few minutes this evening I'll see if I can take a look at it and see what I can come up with on my end. Has anyone else played with this mod yet?

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Thanks MJ!

I tried to add the "alphachannel" from the working Deuces terrain coastfiles,(which you need for the Darksea mod)but just by copy and paste somehow the total kb of the tiles change and i just don,t know how to get it right,seems you have to make them the pricise 192kb with the "alphachannel" included.............?

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