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Problems with 300t -- 30Mt Nuclear Weapon Effects by Lexx_Luthor

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Cant get it to work with WOE,,,anyone installed it in WOE ???? ..Help!!!!!! :fie:

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Hi Vel. Tell us what you did. Like, what weapon are you using, as just one example of relevant information.


I only have the SF and WoV. I hope this thing works in the WoE. :shok:

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Hi Vel. Tell us what you did. Like, what weapon are you using, as just one example of relevant information.


I only have the SF and WoV. I hope this thing works in the WoE. :shok:





MissileObject.ini file. ??? dont think WOE has it

Edited by Veltro2k

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MissileObject.ini file. ??? dont think WOE has it

mmm, if its there, check in the ObjectData cat file and extract it.


You made some mistakes...


(1) KT300Effects ... not KT300Effect :no:


(2) As far as we know, the Fission (or Fusion) warhead types don't entirely work. Use High Explosive, and use, say, 1E+11 explosive mass and work up or down from there to your desire. See the thread below, by Showtime. We finally traced a problem to the HE mass...


Weapon Editor, by Showtime ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3961


Eventually I'll be doing some experiments and figure out what high explosive masses are needed for the various warhead yields.


I suggest 200m fuzing distance. All the KT/MT grafix are designed for 200m.

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mmm, if its there, check in the ObjectData cat file and extract it.


You made some mistakes...


(1) KT300Effects ... not KT300Effect :no:


(2) As far as we know, the Fission (or Fusion) warhead types don't entirely work. Use High Explosive, and use, say, 1E+11 explosive mass and work up or down from there to your desire. See the thread below, by Showtime. We finally traced a problem to the HE mass...


Weapon Editor, by Showtime ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3961


Eventually I'll be doing some experiments and figure out what high explosive masses are needed for the various warhead yields.


I suggest 200m fuzing distance. All the KT/MT grafix are designed for 200m.



made the changes,,,still no flash, no mushroom clowd ..only sign that it went off was any aircraft behind me where blown to bits(friendly fire)

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made the changes,,,still no flash, no mushroom clowd ..only sign that it went off was any aircraft behind me where blown to bits(friendly fire)

I install in Woe, mk43 and mk-43 with b-58, pay attention at all instruction, dont confuse bomb with missle, I not install flight folder, but effects is very good.

P.S. in woe>objects>missleobjects.ini

Edited by bingo

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What changes?




and use, say, 1E+11

200m fuzing distance.


Edited by Veltro2k

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Hi Veltro. Did you find MissileObject file? That's possibly what you are missing.


You have to extract it from the ObjectData cat file found in Object folder. CombatAce has the extractor tool.


If that's not the problem, we keep going until you are up and Nuking. Hang in there!

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Hi folks , thought i'd post the steps i followed to get the effects to work in my install of WOE , hope it helps :) .


This method was used to setup the new nuke effects on the B61 bomb. *note i used the largest effect on this weapon for maxium boom lol .


1) Install the latest weapons pack from Bunyap.


2) copied all the new nuke effects to my effects folder.


3) Updated my MissileObject.ini file as per lexx's instructions in the nuke effects pack , ( once new weapons pack is installed WOE users should have the MissileObject.ini file in their objects folder .


4) Used the weapons editor to update the effects entry for the nuke i chose ( my case B61 ) . Deleted the old entry which was nukespike then changed to KT300Effects , then set the fuzing distance to 200.


5) Made the changes to FarSceneClip and NormalSceneClip plus the low medium and high detail horizon distance lines in the FlightEngine.ini file as per lexx's instructions .


That should do it , i made no changes to my enviro.ini file until i was sure the effects were working as intended but even with the stck enviro file all was good . Hope this info helps , good luck .

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It works :clapping:






The MIGS clossing in, :good: did not survive


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Hey Veltro, you got into the nucular club.


Thanks for the screenshot --- I need more groundcloud puffs. I need to decrease the EmissionRate for the groundcloud.


The variable is mis-named, as its not a rate which would be emissions per second, but time period between emissions.


To increase the number of groundcloud puffs, you decrease the EmissionRate number.

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Tip...to see the neatest thing, let AI drop a bomb about 10km away from you -- depending on yield -- the larger the yield, the further away for best visual effect.


And change mission time to night. The early fiery effects work best in darkness.

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