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Everything posted by bingo

  1. Limitazioni in LOMAC

    se vuoi puoi aprire con blocco note il file ini, (fai una copia dell'originale e mettila da parte) con trova seleziona cockpit e metti yes per rendere pilotabile l'aereo che vuoi, i bomber non volano molto bene quando pilotati, ma per gli altri caccia sì. gli elicotteri proprio no. con mod man puoi installare vari mod.
  2. un altro futuro progetto

    bel lavoro, ti segnalo P.108 I Grandi aerei storici, www.deltaeditrice.it, se già non ce l'hai. un ottimo progetto ma con una storia un po' penosa, bassissima produzione e troppi difetti.
  3. I have fc, ptched 1.02, wf-33 work well, but vf 15 not, the sim don't start and display error, in forum of locon files I have not answers. someone can help? thanks.
  4. Benvenuti

    eccovi qua! finalmente si può parlare un po' in italiano, per il momento un caloroso saluto a tutti.
  5. Where is possible download this model?
  6. Very good! but I cannot ear cannon sound
  7. I install in Woe, mk43 and mk-43 with b-58, pay attention at all instruction, dont confuse bomb with missle, I not install flight folder, but effects is very good. P.S. in woe>objects>missleobjects.ini
  8. Someone know where I can read instruction for bombing with B 52 and others? thanks
  9. I don't modified data ini, I use it in default, I don't know how modify data ini of vectors... I don't modified data ini, I use it in default, I don't know how modify data ini of vectors...
  10. sorry, my english is not good, what mean FM?What I elaborate more? However: when trhust up quickly key of vector up (vector up and down, like harrier) and joy up too. in flight: vector up decrease velocity vector down increase , for landing is the same, but is important regulate velocity, in the approach, when velocity is "0" you may to be near the terrain: the heli fall down.
  11. Is possible add minigun under the nose and missles under fuselage. also grenade launcher and 30mm guns in the nose, also gun sight, but it is realistic? Another chance, with vector like harrier, is possible take off and landing some vertically, with e bit of experience. I do it for my pleasure.
  12. please, how can shoot agm with f-16? it have not display like a-10. thanks.
  13. In download page modern aircraft F-22 is only with link, no file. where I can download F.22?thanks
  14. Sorry! my mistake, I don't scrolled down at the end of the page. thank
  15. I install Tu 16 A;CD. in WoEThey display in the aircraft menu but whwn I select for fly a microsoft error display and close the game. Why? someone can help me?thanks
  16. in WoV with phantom II 100% mnition and fuel, whwn release chaff/flare they there are not ban advise say they finished. Why? can someone help me?thanks
  17. Sorry, but in downloads at the top of this page into Modern Era Aircraft folder I cannot see that, but: A-10, F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, Mig-29, no info fgor F-22. Is some error of the server or I'll open other downloads area?
  18. ok, thank, but in download page there si not F-23
  19. I add 23MM_NR23, but there is not image, only fire. How can add image of this gun? thanks
  20. thank I see it on elicopter like M-60 flexible gun,I thinked is in the system, probably is only in elicopter file.
  21. Please, I have F-23A version 2, but the cockpit is of f-4E. In the Modern Era Aircraft downloads page there is not f-23 and F.22 is not found after click on the name. Can you help me? your cockpit is very beautiful and I wish use it on F-23.
  22. in Mi 24 weapons available are only radar and gun pod from 1966 to 1971, in what year are available other weapons, rocket for example? thanks for the help.

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