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Which file would I need to edit if I wanted to change it so that I'm not always going after cargo ships and tankers in single mission?

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In the ship_DATA.ini, the nation has to be GENERIC and the ship type has to be either CARGOSHIP or TANKER. The weapons on the ship will still work. Also, you might want to make the availability COMMON or VERY_COMMON

Edited by jtin

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Remember, too, for some inadaquetly explained reason, you can one have 4 ships defined as "Cargo_Ship" in their data inis.


Don't know why, but it's just so.



kevin stein

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does that mean that the other ones will not show up? I added about every boat that I could download using the above method...so far have seen all of them once...but then did not continue to test...will try again later.



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(finger crossed) Please, Game Designers ™, Make it so!!!


would be great if the patch fixed that issue!!!!



kevin stein

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just ran 7 missions (all of the same variables...just hit 'accept' at mission end and then started another mission)...had 7 different types of ships (only once did the larger formation kick in though)



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