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New Fokker Eindecker FMs Complete and Available

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Alternative Fokker Eindeckers FMs now available for d/l at CA download section, Add-On Aircraft.




Thanks to Bortda for the great models, his permission to do the new FMs, and his encouragement.


Fot those that d/l from previous thread, please redownload, new changes include redone damage model, small tweaks to performance, and to gun flashes(EIII)/shell ejection(both). Also included FM for EIIILate with 2 guns/reduced performance, using Bort's EIV Model, instructions to install are in the readme file. Firecage and others may include EIIILate in campaigns :smile: .


The FMs are written for Hard Flight Model Mode, probably ok for normal. They are completely new (tho thankful to Borda for basic structure of course), and the EIII and EIV FMs are different.


Tested extensively against EmID/Tex's Nieuport 11(and some others) - rationale for redoing Bort's FM was to get more consistency in game play with the newer models such as N11.


In testing against Vet/Ace N11 AIs, EIII/EIV player can win, though its hard. In an N11, the player will usually win, but EIII/EIV AI will require some chasing usually, ie, they are reasonably good AI !!!. The EIII/IVs cannot win against Sopwith Pup. Seems about right to me.


Hope you enjoy them, and Bort's wonderful models...........

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"EmID/Tex's Nieuport 11.........."


Ooops sorry :blush: , should read ....... Monty CZ/Tex's Nieuport 11.


Be warned, thats what doing FMs does to you :rolleyes:

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Loaded your EIV FM, and found the AI having some difficulty keeping out of spins...

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Hi B Bandy RFC, thanks for feedback. Yeah, just had a few flights, seems like you describe. Tried to make this interesting by adding some "features" in my last changes for the player, but it seems it makes it tougher for the AI to fly properly. Actually, more generally, when the AI cannot roll or turn well, its finds it difficult to do much except do descending circles - I spent most of my time on the FM just tweaking a perfectly good model to get the AI behaving like an opponent!! Have to rethink my strategy on this - I'll look into it more and update when I get the chance. Cheers

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Perhaps it makes sense to have one FM for player operated A/C (recognizing that this is limited to solo flights) and another for AI operated A/C?


Just a thought. It does seem that the problem we are discussing here re the E-III applies to many A/C and even many sims.


Meanwhile thanks for your efforts in what can be a frustrating task.



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