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I was wondering was it possible to enable 6d0f in WOV? Because sometimes when i look around the cockpit, i get these "new angles" so i was wondering was there a mod or something out there that can fully open this feature.

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it's more like 5dof in the Third Wire games.

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are they already enabled? Or is there something i have to edit in order to get them to work. So far I know we have pitch, and yaw. We also have zoom, but what's the last 2? I don't think we have roll, is it X, and Y axis?

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the last two are to peek up or down (adjusting seat height) and peek left or right (to see around the dashboard of the cockpit).

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Alright so it was the X and Y axis, but are they already enabled? I sometime can see the Y axis when i zoom out and i"m alot closer to the canopy. But what about the X?

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Actually, I can't think of one flight sim where roll is enabled.

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according to that page also Aces High II, BoB2 & Mig Alley.

& Wings of War if we class that as a sim.

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my question was are the x and y axis already enabled because i recall trying it out a couple days before and it didn't work. I had it set up with my trackir 4, i was wondering did i had to activate something within WOV to allow it to be recongize and work.

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SF was 1 of the first (if not the first) games to have support for enhanced.

Afaik if you have to do any configuring it'll be in the TIR software.

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Python, I didn't have to adjust anything. It takes a lot of movement to get the X and Y axis to start working. I just found out by accident when I stood up to adjust my seat and noticed the Y axis movement. Then I went exploring to see if the X axis would work as well and it did. But if it's not working for you, then you need to go to the Track IR menu and do some twiddeling in there. There is no roll axis in SFP1, WOV, and WOE. Not until a patch comes out to support it.

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oh i guess i didn't notice it before, does the x and y axis move only slightly?


you can get a decent deal of movement with the X-axis, but you really have to be deliberate with the Y-axis.

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my own question about TIR.


I have a TrackIR3 . Is it normal that the accuracy, smoothness, linearity, response are not as good as that of the mouse (no matter the profile configuration)? Looks like there are certain deadzone and some snaping areas nomatter the profile settings ?

Edited by squid

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my own question about TIR.


I have a TrackIR3 . Is it normal that the accuracy, smoothness, linearity, response are not as good as that of the mouse (no matter the profile configuration)? Looks like there are certain deadzone and some snaping areas nomatter the profile settings ?


Here is the thing about TIR settings in regards to viewing. The software has to take into account that there maybe little head movement to see what's currently happening in the forward point of view. Also note that in order to see completely around your point of view, and still look at the screen, it doesn't take a lot of head movement past a certain point to start looking around your point of view very quickly. It's something that you just have to get used to with how it performs. I just recently bought the system and I'm starting to get a decent feeling on how it behaves. I still have some problems on how to properly look at something that is above and behind me. One of the key things that I do to get adjusted to the TIR system and to understand the right way to look at something is that I just start looking around to exercise my "viewing precision" when I start a mission. I've found that some cool tricks by doing this and it has helped me to be very proficient in getting visuals on hostile aircraft. Now, I'm less dependant on my radar when I'm in a close quarter A2A engagement and have a much greater situational awareness.

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