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Guest capun

Hawker & Beer: Questions about the PHM Pegasus Model

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Guest capun

Hawker, Beer


I have been working with Beer's Pegasus model so I can learn 3DS MAX and apply some of Hawker's tips like exporting points


I have a couple of questions about the Hawker modified Pegasus MAX model and ini.


- Shouldn't the ini model names match the MAX objects


For example in the Ini file there is this entry




Shouldn't the name be either Hull or Superstruc like the objects in the MAX file?


Here are a couple of other entries:




I expected the name to be Superstruc






Here I expected the name to be Hull or Superstruc and Turret01


- What defines the Max and Mix Extend Positions?





MaxExtentPosition= 2.40,7.00,12.00

MinExtentPosition=-2.40,-11.00, 6.00


Is that a box where the model can Pitch and Yaw within those limits from the CG?


- How do you set the boats height in relation to the water level?


I have been playing with a Nanuchka II model reducing the poly count, scaling it to SFP1. I am running into a problem where the boat is sitting too deep into the water and the bow angle is to high. Well besided not being able to get the Missiles to work.


I am finding that 3DS MAX has a steep learning curve specially that I don't have the time to just sit and work with it for a long stretch of time. I find it helpful looking at a build model and just play with it.



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