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Need help working with tga files

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Hi guys...need a little help here, just started painting, and thats coming along nicely, wanted to do the decals and such to match my paint jobs but can't make it work...I have vicmans paint proggy and gimp, both of which are supposed to do tgas, but can't make either one work...can load them, edit, paint, etc. but they always come out corrupted. Been searching for 2 days now with no luck on both those sites..can anybody help me out here???...After being on the gimp sites, I realise that I need this in plain simple nooby english, those boys talk in no know human language!! Any help will be greatly appreciated and just might be able to finish all this and get it uploaded here. Thanks guys...


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Hello there. Ok I don't know anything about the programs your using but I know alot of us here use either adobe photoshop or paint shop pro. I use both for different effects im getting on paint schemes. Photoshop has more useful brushes and makes things look like real paint brushes were used. Paintshop pro its real ez to work with and it is easier to re-manipulate layers and such with.


Are you sure that the .tga files didn't get corrupted during the download maybe? You might look under the preferences in those art programs and make sure .tga is supported.


Try to DL some paint scheme files from CA here and see if the art prog can open them up. most of the template files are going to be in a psd (photoshop) format but most art programs can open them fine.


Ill keep a look out for your repost to see if this helped.



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Thanks for the response Firecage...can do psd,s,bmp,s and they're fine... can load ,and save as, with the tga,s and they work, so they're not being corrupted by the prog., its only when I edit them that they become corrupted. Just grabbed a couple decals by Sinbad and same deal.... He has apparently figured this out, hopefully he'll see this and help out......the vicman proggy is set up to use the photoshop stuff, and its a freeby( retired, on a tight budget here) and works really well, and nooby friendly. Which is more than can be said of some!!.......Thanks again


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Ok, when you say corrupt does it not even open any more or does it just mess up the whole picture when it opens?


If its messing up the pic then look at the color pallets and see if they are re-assigning the color pallet, or look at the color bit lvls from before you edit vs after you edit and see if its reducing the pallet or bit depth.


If it won't open im at a loss not having the program to mess with. Maybe Sinbad has the scoop for you as well.



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Hi Mountain-man


I had the same problem with PSP9. No matter what I did the tgas appeared in the aircraft in a bright yellow. I found a terrific little application a while ago that you activate on your desktop and then drag all your offending tgs files onto and it fixes them. I haven't tried it for Gimp but it should work.


I'll post the download address when I get home from work.



Edited by LloydNB

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I used Photoshop Elements 1.0. I cannot say it worked every time, or easily, but it did work.


It seems there is another path suggested in this string, using another program, so that may be the better route.



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Wow...thanks for the replys, you guys are great..now for the embarassing part :blush: when I'm editing I always blow up the image to bring out a little more detail, edit, save, go have a look...well it appears gimp doesn't work that way..sometime in the wee hours of the a.m., trying to edit one of Sinbads decals for the umpteenth time(thank you so much Sinbad, really like them), put it back to default size to have a look, save as, and darned if I don't have a new decal on the plane!!!... duuuhhh, appears that gimp reads the dimensions at whatever size you have on screen and puts THEM into the stock file, corrupting it!

On to the dreaded alpha channels....grabbed that proggy LloydNB, thanks for the heads up, and unfortunately the freeby only does 32 bit alphas, believe the shareware versions have 24 bit functions, will go see if they fit the budget.......and the beat goes on.


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Hi guys...again..Well ,went back to LloydNBs proggy site to look around ( awake this time :rolleyes: ). And actually had the sense to read some stuff...If you cancel the 32 bit deal and load an alpha channel tga in, convert it to png, edit then save, throw that folder into the proggy and convert it back to tga the alpha is preserved and works in game every time!!!!! Thank you guys so much, could'nt have done it without you....Go get it Sinbad, it is an excellent app, if you keep doing those neat decals, your gonna love this thing!........... mountain-man

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