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How to Increase building drawing distance ?

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I am seeking for a way to make objects like building/airstrip to draw from a longer distance. I am tired to see large building appeared like they just teleported 5 km from me (it seems also that in external view object show from a longer distance than in internal view).


I've succeed with objects like tanks/sams in increasing the LOD distance in each data.ini file but increasing this variable in building's file does not seem to have the same effect (maybe i did something wrong here; i just droped building's ini in the desert folder).


I've also tried to work with the flight engine.ini increasing some value without result...


Can somebody point me on the correct file/value to modify for getting buildings showing up from a longer distance please? FPS should'nt be an issue since i go enough CPU/graphic card power.





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To the best of my knowledge, buildings are treated as alpha objects, as are trees, so mearly weaking their respective .ini files probably will not effect draw distances (as you've discovered).

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mmm, interesting.


In FlightEngine file, play with this value...for the three option blocks. I assume you are trying the high detail settings.




It *might* work for buildings and trees. I found that this value, doubled if I recall, gives the distance to where terrain hills and mountains cuts off grafix like my contrails and cirrus clouds. Beyond that distance (20km in this case), my sky effects show through the terrain. At significantly higher values, framerates begin suffering however.


It also makes a limit (doubled too) to how close any camera view position, including player in cockpit, may approach the north/south map table edge boundary without crashing the game. But that is usually below the Border= setting (default 80km) so the player normally cannot approach the map edge. But I often set the border region negative to test things far off map.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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Thank you both for your answer,


I've experienced these graphics cut off too.


I am gonna try to modify the mesh size for the 3 blocks, like you said i ve only edited the highter detail part.


Like Fubar said ini's seem to not be used, maybe it is one explaination for the lack of effect of nuclear/or tnt equivalent weapon on them?


I'll try to ask to TK about the drawing distance too after i test the mesh size, i'll post the result.


Thanks again!

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