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Nicholas Bell

Limits on Number of Target Areas?

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Any experts know if there is a limit on the number of target areas a map can have? Having problems with my HAWK belt mod of the GermanyCE map. Having problems with objects not appearing, and while I have not pinned it down exactly - it appears to start with target areas above the number 350.



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Guest Charles

Never noticed it, but I have never worked on a terrain targets.INI with more than about 280 targets. SF does have some coding limitations that you don't usually notice, like only 16 spots at airfields for aircraft to line up and take off on a mission, so it is possible.


It might be as simple as a typo, though, so you might check your code really carefully. If one of your target areas is mis-numbered, all entries which follow will be ignored (I have done this few times myself).

If [TargetArea301] (for example) is typed as [TargettArea301] or something like that, then all the following entries are ignored by the sim. The same thing will also happen if you have two consecutive entries with the same number.

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Good advice, Charles - I'll check the typing. If that's not it maybe I'll try combining target areas to see if I can work around the potential coding/memory issue. Having done some volunteer work for HPS Simulations I know enough to understand why there are limitations.

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