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WOV Loadingscreen 1360x768

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WOV Loadingscreen 1360x768

WOV Loadingscreen - 1360x768 widescreen edition



1. Copy all files to the \FLIGHT subdirectory of your Strike Fighters/WOE/WOV installation.


2. Extract FLIGHTENGINE.INI from FLIGHTDATA.CAT using the SPF1 extract program.


3. Open FLIGHTENGINE.INI in notepad.


4. Under [LoadingScreen]

- change BackgroundImage=LoadingScreen1.bmp to BackgroundImage=LoadingScreen1360.bmp

- change BackgroundImageSize=1024,768 to BackgroundImageSize=1360,768


5. Save and exit



© 2007, Kout


These files are made available under the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 license

Please visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ for details.


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