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snapper 21

Yes I am being nosy But

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But can I ask what in the list of forums is the DS Mod Forum? :biggrin:





Snapper 21

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You can ask, but if we tell you we would have to dispatch a top secret lethal team of deadly cobra kai trained midget ninja assassins armed with robot lazer arms to make sure the secret never got out.


And frankly, you don't want that to happen. I saw it happen to a guy in Tokipsee one time....when they were done, his private parts were up to his shoulders and his shoulders were down by his butt....and his arms and legs looked like those big soft pretzels.......very ugly.


So....still want to know?

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Well to be honest the midget thing scares me, and curiosity did kill the cat!


Maybe I shouldn't ask :blink:

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deadly cobra kai trained midget ninja assassin team go!

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...And frankly, you don't want that to happen. I saw it happen to a guy in Tokipsee one time....when they were done, his private parts were up to his shoulders and his shoulders were down by his butt....and his arms and legs looked like those big soft pretzels.......very ugly.


So....still want to know?


I heard their last victim had his head shoved so hard up his butt that he had bite marks on his sphincter... :blink:

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Well to be honest the midget thing scares me, and curiosity did kill the cat!


Maybe I shouldn't ask :blink:


Better midgets than Circus Clowns. You DON'T want to know about the seltzer water and animal balloon method of combat. Bozo can be one deadly mutha when he needs to.

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