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EnjoyrPatches for DGen - new version 2.1 available

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NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.1 )


NEW - Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.1 update - campaign for BoE by Boelcke !!

NEW - True Pacific 0.09 update by Nimits !!

NEW modified files and improvement by Vtrelut !!


In all versions patches that the concern BoE addon:


1) includes DGen campaign Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.1 by Boelcke + skins


Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!

To users that the used version EnjoyrPatchs 2.0 - delete from your DGen folder these files,please:







To users that the already used separately Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.0 outside EnjoyrPatches,

delete from your DGen folder these files,please:








To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added:


1) TruePacific 0.09 update by Nimits


2) modified files:


campaignsItF.dat - campaign *Italian fighter (Ijekio) - from Ijekio ulmar campaigns

classesRu7.dat - campaign *Disaster On The Frontiers (Bomber) - from Disaster On The Frontiers

classeRu=.dat - campaign *Fighter (North) - from Enhanced Eastern v.2


Files modification by Vtrelut



In all versions patches that the concern Ostfront addon:


1) modified files:





Files modification by Vtrelut



In all versions patches that the concern TLD addon:


1) modified classes files for TLD campaigns (DeJ,DeK,DeM,DeQ,DeU,USC,USD,USZ) and file planesDeU.dat


classesDeLFSB.dat corresponds to the German Luft 46 He-111 bomber campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesDeJ.dat

classesDeLFSJB.dat corresponds to the German Luft 46 Dive/Fighter bomber campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesDeK.dat

classesDeLFSZ.dat corresponds to the German Luft 46 Zerstörer campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesDeM.dat

classesDeTLDZ.dat corresponds to the German TLD Zerstörer campaign and has therefore been renamed to classesDeQ.dat

classesWTLD.dat corresponds to the German TLD West Front (Africa) campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesDeU.dat

classesUSLFS.dat corresponds to the US Luft 46 fighter campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesUSZ.dat

classesUSLFSFB.dat corresponds to the US Luft 46 fighter bomber campaign, and has therefore been renamed to classesUSC.dat

classesUSTLDUS.dat corresponds to the US The Last Days fighter campaign over Berlin, and has therefore been renamed to classesUSD.dat


(original TLD classes.dat files can be deleted. They do no harm, because they are not linked to any campaign, due to their wrong names,

so it is not necessary to delete them, but it is better if you want a clean DGen folder)


Files modification by Vtrelut




In all versions patches is modified files:


GB_MessageEn.dat; GB_messagenDe.dat; GB_messageFr.dat

MessageEn.dat; MessageDe.dat; MessageFr.dat

US_MessageEn.dat; US_MessageDe.dat; US_MessageFr.dat



Files modification by Vtrelut



Other modified files by Vtrelut:



Go-229 added as flyable plane to NWE German fighter campaign, as well as to TLD's West Front campaign (fictional)



More flyable planes added to the German South Fighter campaign (from the Enhanced Eastern)



More about Patches:


Topic - SimHQ




Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page


Happy Flying!


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