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Model by Laton

Skins by v. Deutschmark

FM by peter01.


The zip file contains two variants, with alternate armament/wheel/headrest configurations. Note: In single missions the E.Ia version may not appear directly under the E.I, check a bit lower in the plane list.


More skins to come from v. Deutschmark and the Release pack also includes a full set of templates for anyone who wants to make & release their own skins.


Uploading to CombatACE now. Should be available very soon.


Keep an eye out for the E.II's in the very near future.

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(S!) ALL hi ;-)


This is a Fokker E Ia Max Immelman, Douai, France August 1915.

Max had 18 victories in this plane, this plane was at the Dresden

Army air museum on display till it was destroyed in the Dresden

Bombing in WW2.









This is a Fokker E I of Flik 4, Austro Hungarian air force around 1915.

The A-H painted most of their planes tops green.









Get them here at Combat Ace FE skins downloads



Special thank you to Laton for giving me the opportunity to work

With him again on this plane its been a great working with you.


Special thank you to my friend Bob Pearson for allowing me to put his

Profile in of this plane.




Enjoy!!! ;-)


your friend in the FE sky

von Deutschmark

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Another beautiful creation by Laton and Von Deutschmark for everyone to enjoy! Thanks a million for your considerable and continued contributions to making this sim something extraordinary.

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Great stuff fella's!


I like the E.Ia in particular, what with the head rest, Parabellum 'n all.


Can't wait to see the E.II & E.IV, to complete the set!


Another fantastic contribution, well done!





Edited by Southside Bucky

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just got a chance to play with these (and your E.III)

They are great

Keep them coming :)

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Woot ok just got home and I am DL'ing it now, Yet another great inclusion for the campaigns.


Thanks to all of you on these planes , VERY well done! :clapping:

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I've got that Fokker in my sights... :wink:

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