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Ilithi Dragon

TLG Hiring for Developer Positions

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Ok, we're looking to add a few people to our team. We currently have openings for one or two model importers, several beta testers, and a PR manager. No previous experience is necessary for any position (though experience is a plus). Importers will be importing models to Legacy, HPing and adding damage meshes; Beta Testers will be testing internal releases, and providing feedback on bugs, general gameplay experience, and providing suggestions for improvement; the PR Manager will be handling all announcements, ad campaigns, organizing and participating in interviews (possibly alongside developers as decided per interview), and general Public Relations.


Anyone interested in any of our available positions, please contact me via PM here or on our forums at http://www.tlg.reswebservices.com/forum, or via email at torturedwarrior (at) gmail (dot) com.

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