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Apologies if this is covered somewhere, but I figured I'd ask here.


Based on this, I need to remove the entire thing and start over before reinstalling to catch up to current standards. I've made a few modifications under the hood of my SFP1 installation---mostly renaming an aircraft or two---so what do I need to backup to avoid losing data?


Thanks in advance.

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If you have done a lot of Mods - To backup everything you can simply COPY the entire game folder to another location and rename the folder to SF_Backup or something (check you have the space to do this - about 1.5GB).




1. uninstall the game

2. reinstall the game - (making sure you dont over write your backup!)

3. Apply patches

4. Take what Mods you need from SF_Backup and plonk them into the new install.

5. Then remove the SF_Backup folder when done

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To be truly honest, I don't think I've done much to it. What would I have edited to remove the trademark designation from the F-104? Thanks for the reply.

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Probably just an ini edit if you mean the F-104's title - but if that all youve done - just reinstall and mod the new install - its up to you really.

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