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FE Multiplayer session Wednesday morning 8:30 EST

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We are going to have another 'Open Skies' dogfight Wednesday morning 0730 Central. Hamachi seems to be the best vehicle - no noticable lag, smooth play. The Hamachi server is First Eagles pw fe. The Teamspeak server will be SimHQ. Here is your chance to re-enact the Trenton raid. See you there.


Same plane loadout - D7F and Spad 13. If you can load the Vogesen terrain, so much the better - more interesting low level fighting.



We are working hard to make the Multiplayer functionality in FE as enjoyable as many other games. It take community support to make these "out of the box" ideas reality. WOV and WOE excel at their popularity due to modding engineers wanting more out of the game. FE will be no different. We all know that any game will sell more copies if multipalyer works well. I encourage anyone who has this game to join us in these sessions.



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