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Coop Nights on 3Sqn Server

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That's right folks, coop nights are coming. I have a bunch of coop missions that are randomized (with Lock On Mission Randomizer) that I've tweaked a bit and added more planes so that ya'll can have a different online experience. We have all kinds of missions and they never play out the same the next time you fly them. That pesky Mirage that jumps you as soon as you're wheels up may not spawn in next time. Or, it may spawn in 15 minutes after you take off and are more able to deal with him. How about that TOR site that keeps taking pot shots at you as you're running in to the target? He may not even be there the next time you fly by. But he might spawn in as you're inbound. ;) Here are a few of the missions that I've created just for the community:


The platform is being used as a seagoing base to smuggle weapons and supplies. It needs to be hit as well as the cargo ships coming and going. Be careful, Mirage, F16 and F4 fighters as well as SAM sites are protecting it. Migs and Su33's will be performing the strike.






The coalition must strike the base at Sevastopol in the wee hours of the morning. Migs and 33's will be the strikers and the flight inbound is long. Due to the heavy loadouts the 33's will be carrying, landing to refuel at a friendly base will be necessary. Same for the Mig. This is a long and dangerous flight wrought with SAMs and bandits.






Scramble!! Tu95's have been spotted by AWACS and we fear they may be carrying cruise missiles. You have to balance your fuel consumption with getting to the intercept area ASAP. It's possible to smoke the bombers before they launch. You'll need coordination between flights to acheive this. If the bombers launch the mission changes and you have to intercept the cruise missiles. This mission will get your pulse to rise and will test your skills.






The Turks have launched their TICO cruiser and are conducting operations. The cruiser (and it's radar) are a threat to anything flying and must be taken out. Enemy CAP is out in abundance and is being vectored towards any air targets the TICO spots. We've got a few Su33's equipped with KH-31's (the 41's haven't arrived in theatre) and we have to escort them to the target area safely. I've flown this mission 7 times and once we were able to sneak between all the CAP and the 33's had an easy time launching on the TICO. The other 6 times there were differing waves of fighters hitting us at different times. This mission is difficult and it's especially challenging for the Flanker pilot. He's going to want to take some shots at the enemy CAP but he must trust his escort a/c.





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