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Help from the Navy Guys!

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What about the A-5 or the older A-3? They were pretty huge.



and the viggie would put a hell of a show at night burners kicking in,come to think of it it did same thing in daylight...

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It's really disappointing. I want to be a pilot and fly all of the aircraft they have already phased out, not some high-tech gadget like a JSF.


An A-6 or better yet, an A-7 pilot would be great. Anything I can drop bombs on Gomer with, and the strafing option is an added plus.

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I agree with you, Scout.


The Tomcat certainly has had a proud career, and isn't over yet. I was somewhat surprised that the Intruder was retired when it was. Always felt it should have been retained in service. It sure could carry a load of bombs, eh? The bombmeister...hehehehe.


I have often wondered if any of the F-4s or A-6s are owned by private individuals now. I know that A-4 Skyhawks are popular, but perhaps the Phantoms and Intruders are too expensive to maintain.




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And the first time you rolled in through the flack and SAMs you would wish you had Stealth and JDAMs too. :wink:


Seriously though there is something about the old jets that just feels cool. It's kind of like older cars. If you had a choice between a 2004 Mustang and a 1969 Mach1 Fastback which one would you choose.lol It's a no brainer for me. :D

I tend to like both eras for different reasons pure muscle vs technology, they are both interesting to me.


It's really disappointing. I want to be a pilot and fly all of the aircraft they have already phased out, not some high-tech gadget like a JSF.


An A-6 or better yet, an A-7 pilot would be great. Anything I can drop bombs on Gomer with, and the strafing option is an added plus.

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[Always felt it should have been retained in service. It sure could carry a load of bombs, eh? The bombmeister...hehehehe. ]


oh yeah,hell yeah,the mini b-52..lets see 5 mers,6 on each one..two squadrons on the deck pointing towards the pointy end of the boat,yep hell of a sight...fun to load too..


I have often wondered if any of the F-4s or A-6s are owned by private individuals now. I know that A-4 Skyhawks are popular, but perhaps the Phantoms and Intruders are too expensive to maintain


there is a f-4 civilian owned,usually flown by brig gen steve ritchie,yep the one from nan,the air force ace..and yes the question I guess is still being talked about,is the pilot the ace or the rio?...

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