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Does the RCS Modifier entry work?

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I've downloaded the UCAV package available here and noticed that the aircraft data file has an "RCS Modifier entry" with a value of 0.00007. The thing that I have noticed is that it seemingly does nothing to reduce radar locks and launches from surface to air missile installations and fighters. From what I can tell, the aircraft is picked up on radar at the same range as a non-stealthy aircraft.


I'm just wondering if this feature is fully implemented in the game and if there is a fix for it? I know that no plane is invisible to radar, but having the low-observability part would be nice.



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Nevermind, I answered my question by digging around on this board. The value needs to be set as a negative number, as described in the A-12 post a while back.

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After a test flight in the USN A-12 model, the only missile launch that I experienced was a SA-9 IR missile that failed to successfully track. Meanwhile, a nearby flight of A-10's were encountering salvos of SAM launches from all directions. The stealth feature definitely works, just perhaps too well. I was at fairly low altitudes ranging from 10 - 18 thousand feet and flying directly towards and over enemy radars to test that change out and never had a radar tracking beep whatsoever.


Can anybody recommend some settings for the BaseRCSModifier that are more realistic? (Ex: signature reduction and not complete invisibility)


It sure is fun to fly relatively carefree over defenses though.......

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Nevermind, I answered my question by digging around on this board. The value needs to be set as a negative number, as described in the A-12 post a while back.



BTW, the declaration is "BaseRCSModifier", not "RCSModifier".

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Can anybody recommend some settings for the BaseRCSModifier that are more realistic? (Ex: signature reduction and not complete invisibility)


It sure is fun to fly relatively carefree over defenses though.......


Stealth in Strike Fighters is currently an all or nothing sort of affair, and TK was made aware of it almost a year ago. A similar issue exits with chaff, and the workaround is to to modify SAHMs and AHMs so they have almost (unrealistically) perfect CS rejection values.


There is also an undeclared setting for eliminating a model's heat signature (another workaround), that results in an aircraft turning into a "thermal black hole". I discovered it quite by accident, when I forgot to add a certain line to model's data.ini, and thus accidentally rendered it invisible to IRMs.


The latter works almost too well....right USAFMTL? :biggrin:


BTW, if and when TK repairs the RCS issue, here are the (accurate) values to use:


B-52 H: 100 m2 * 2.12 = 212 km

A-10: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

F-4E: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

MIG-25: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km

Mig-31: 25 m2 * 1.5 = 150 km


B-1B: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

F-14 D: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

F-15C: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

Su-27: 10 m2 * 1.19 = 119 km

Tornado: 8 m2 * 1.13 = 113 km


Mig-29: 5 m2 * 1 = 100 km

Mirage2000C: 3.5 m2 * 0.92 = 92 km

F-5E: 3 m2 * 0.88 = 88 km

Mig-21: 3 m2 * 0.88 = 88 km

AV-8B+: 2.5 m2 * 0.84 = 84 km

Av-8B: 2.0 m2 * 0.80 = 80 km


F-16C: 1.2 m2 * 0.70 = 70 km

F-18C: 1.2 m2 * 0.70 = 70 km

Gripen: 1.0 - 1.2 m2 * 0.67 - 0.70 = 67 - 70 km


F-18E: 0.75 m2 * 0.62 = 62 km

Rafale: 0.75 m2 * 0.62 = 62 km

Eurofighter: 0.5-0.75 m2 * 0.56 - 0.62 = 56 - 62 km


B-2: 0.01 m2 * 0.21 = 21 km

F-35: 0.01 - 0.005 m2 * 0.21 - 0.18 = 21 - 18 km

F/A-22: 0.01 - 0.001 m2 * 0.21 - 0.12 = 21 - 12 km

F-117: 0.001 -? m2 * below 0.12 = 12 km.

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