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Indian Air Force Type 96B Update Pak

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Indian Air Force Type 96B Update Pak

IAF Type 96B Fishbed C Update ver 2.0


Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883


What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini.


== This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==

== This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==


The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details. (and I've listed them in the enclosed 'readme' as well, plus a new one)


Weapons carraige has been updated to reflect the use of some 'stand-off' style A-G missiles.


I've NOT included any of the skins, as these were done by ghostrider883, but I've updated the decal ini for the "7Sq" skin. The skin bmps themselves fit fine, and need no updating (which is good, as I didn't really want to get into that!).


PLEASE!!! (must I beg?) read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions -- ya'll sensing a pattern here???


With thanks to the original modders/skinners that brought the Sub-Continet to our gaming world!!


Good Hunting!


Kevin Stein


ps: just in case anyone is interested, I've updated all the Pakistani MiG-21/J/F-7s as well, but they need to use pre-patch lods, which at the moment cannot be uploaded. I'm trying to figure out a work around...



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now we need an Indian-Pakistan terrain......



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this is an image of Type96 (already updated aircraft and keep showing like this)......




when you re in outside view and get some distance you see this, as you can see, wingman is little far, when you get close the bug dissapear (that is why lead aircraft looks fine)......(SFP1 and WoV with late patches).......



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