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Hello i am new bie,

-how to refill canon. bomb, etc

-how to refill power if have finished

-how to landing


do with bullet landing which finished will loaded again ?



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Hello i am new bie,

-how to refill canon. bomb, etc

-how to refill power if have finished

-how to landing


do with bullet landing which finished will loaded again ?




Unfortunately, the third wire sims don't have a means of re-arming during a mission. For each mission you have a finite amount of fuel and stores (using the EASY setting for fuel and weapons will give you unlimited stores however). Once they are used up you can't get anymore. Landing will not cause the aircraft to fuel up or re-arm.


Landing is fairly straight forward but does require some practice. The owners manual (a copy is included in program files) has a brief primer on how to land.


I hope I understood your questions correctly.


Good luck and have fun.

Edited by tank03

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It's not Afterburner

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It's not Afterburner



Its only natural for the boy to be confused with all those F-14´s.... :rofl:

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......(using the EASY setting for fuel and weapons will give you unlimited stores however).....

Good luck and have fun.


Thank you for its information.

But which there still I wish to ask, for example we select "instant action" mision successful be like what is?....destroy much enemy?

Where place of landing?.........or must to place in form of trilateral in screen/sail.


Edited by wahon

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Thank you for its information.

But which there still I wish to ask, for example we select "instant action" mision successful be like what is?....destroy much enemy?

Where place of landing?.........or must to place in form of trilateral in screen/sail.




:blink: Um..... hit auto-pilot, it might take you to your base. Hit "Alt-N" if there are no more hostiles around. That will definately take you straight back to your base. If you do that and it works, hit the "M" key to bring up the map, and it will show you the waypoints leading to the correct base. But just as a side note, landing back at your base won't really add anything to the mission record or your flight record. Ultimately, the mission ends when you hit the "ESC" key.

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Yep, you can land at any friendly airbase after mission is completed. Or you can just hit the "End Mission" key without landing. I usually land at the nearest airbase.


You can land before mission is complete (perhaps you have run out of ammo) but when you end mission it will be called aborted.


Mission is complete when either success or fail. You can still fly around and attack if you still want to.


The mission is successful if you (or your squadron) destroy the required percentage of air targets - this percentage is set in one of the ini's - it can be changed. Often it seems shooting down about 50% of enemy squadron will bring success.


If target is a ground target then success can be just hitting the one target, ie communications tower.


To practise landing set your jet to autopilot just before landing and watch how it lands - look at speed, thrust settings, etc. The jets approach and land with the nose up but I usually approach with the nose down so I can see the runway and then pull the nose up just before touchdown.

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....destroy the required percentage of air targets....

When a fly, how to look “required percentage of air targets”

When a fly, how/where to look stock of fuel

When a fley, how/where to look stock of ammo


I feel veri difficult to destroy enemy from the ground (examp. : tank),

How to destroy…..& how to lock on




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When a fly, how to look “required percentage of air targets”

When a fly, how/where to look stock of fuel

When a fley, how/where to look stock of ammo


I feel veri difficult to destroy enemy from the ground (examp. : tank),

How to destroy…..& how to lock on



There is no "required percentage of air targets" stats in game. The number of targets needed to be successful is determined by the game settings (easy, normal, hard).


You need to check the instrument panel to check on your fuel/ammo condition. What info is available to you depends on what a/c you are flying.


Yes, taking out ground targets (if I read you correctly) is difficult. With conventional "dumb" bombs you don't "lock-on", just aim correctly and hope for a hit. There is a really useful tutorial here that explains the finer points of the art of bombing with out CCIP:



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