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Defensive CAS AAR Part 1

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My wingman Beagle and I are loitering around the FEBA, available for CAS should the need arise. We're loaded with Mk.84's, Mavs and Rockeyes so we're ready should any situation arise.




FAC's on the ground report that a column of armor is rolling thru one of the many towns that dot the coastline. We're the closest flight available so we're vectored to the last reported position of the column. F16's are inbound but won't be on station for another 15 minutes. I tell Beagle to spread out and call SAM launches. I roll in.




Running straight in from the coast I use my Mav seeker to take a closer look at what we're dealing with. I spot A/A and SAM unit's traveling with the convoy. I lock up the SAM unit and call Rifle.




I'm still a ways out so I lock the Shilka and fire. Rifle!






This is gonna hurt.




The convoy is now unprotected.




I split S, and make a 90 degree climbing turn so that I can see the target area. I key up the mic and call Beagle in hot. He dives in and targets the heavy armor (T-80's).




He makes his run and climbs out and tells me he has eyes on the target. I'm at Angels 8 so I attack at a steep dive.




Guns, Guns!




I get hits on a T-80 and it catches fire.






Beagle runs in and delivers some Rockeye's, he drops a stick of singles at 25ms apart.




Nothing is left moving and Beagle and I climb out to an altitude of Angels 11.




The FAC calls and steers us towards the east, a much larger convoy is rolling towards the carnage we left behind. I grab my binoculars and scan towards the east. Beagle and I roll in from the coast again perpendicular to the convoy, they most likely have SAM and A/A assets and it's easier to pick out our targets with this type of approach. I ground stabilize my Mav and magnify, then I search the column for air threats. Beagle calls a Shilka 4th vehicle from the front of the convoy, I tell him there's a Strela at the rear.




He's locked and in range of the Shilka so I call him in hot. I'm having a contrast problem and at max range I'm still not able to fire. I'm not sure the SAM unit has spotted us as his launchers are still stowed in the top of the chassis. As soon as the Shilka explodes I see the launchers raise and aim towards me.




I finally get a launch cue (flashing cross) and call Rifle.




The Strela launches at the exact same time I do.




This isn't good! I kick hard right rudder and pull the aircraft into a descending turn 90 degrees to the launch. My ECM panel is programmed to dump 3 pairs of flares at a time so I hit the button several times. Since SAM's follow a lead pursuit course by flying perpendicular to the missile I force it to maneuver and trade speed for altitude.




I'm gaining speed and dropping flares like crazy. My throttles are firewalled and I'm about to pull some heavy G's to gain altitude. I'm hoping that the short burn time of the rocket motor won't give the missile enuf oomph to reach a higher altitude. The Strela fired at max range so I have a chance. As the motor burns I can see the smoky finger reaching out towards me.

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