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Hi pilots :biggrin:

I am browsing campaigns for WOE. I am looking into Campaign_DATA.inis and there are standard values for air units.

For NATO Air Units experience values are 100, for WP Air Units experience values are between 50-80.








BaseArea=xx Airbase












AircraftType=MIG-27 (or Mig-21MF, 23M/ML etc.)





BaseArea=xx Airbase











There are many campaigns (for WOE) with those different values in the download section. So my question is WHY?

I am not campaign_data.ini guru. I look into knowledge base for more info, and there is: Experience=100 - Starting experience level of the unit's pilots. It is not problem to improve experience values to 100. But I need better understandig before this edit.

Well, why experience for WP Air Units is low in many WOE campaigns?


Kukulo kukulino

Edited by kukulino

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I really don't know...but I suspect it had to do with TKs focus on the allied side of the WOE ops. However, don't take that as gospel.


As far as what would happen? Hey, give it a shot! I'd be curious myself...



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The actual "in game" experience value will vary by approximately 20%. If you have Excel you can use my squadron editor to check it out yourself. Experience can be up to value 250 in First Eagles, BTW. I've tried it in WOV/WOE and the program resets it back to 100.


The lower experience levels represents the lower training levels of Soviet and Warsaw Pact pilots. Historically they only got a small fraction of the flying time NATO pilots got. Something like NATO pilots flew as many hours in one month that a Soviet pilot would fly in a whole year, or something like that.


Adjusting the difficulty level of the AI impacts the "in-sim" functioning of the AI pilots by in effect increasing the experience, skill and morale levels. So playing on HARD will make those pilots better.


However, I have experimented with setting the campaign data values for WP units to 80 and then playing on HARD AI level. It is a very difficult challenge, almost impossible as the NATO player. The AI works best with more manueverable planes than with heavy Western type aircraft more suited to long range missile attacks, or boom and zoom tactics. Instead, the AI pilots flying F-100s or F-104s (for example) will get into turning fights with MiGs and quickly end up dead. Using the lower experience levels for the WP squadrons helps the NATO player a little.


My experience is that surviving a campaign in early NATO aircraft is nearly impossible against MiG's.

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I am from exWarsaw pact state (we were Czechoslovakia. Now we are two states: Czech republic and Slovak republic).

I look on that values, and for first time I sad this is not fair. I set Experience values to 100 and...

Nothing big to write.

I flew campaign in 1985 (in WOE).

F-15 with AIM-9L are inmmortal.



I flew Mig-21PF or PFM. F-15 is younger generation of US fighters than older Mig-21 versions.

AIM-9L are much better like R-3S, R-13M or R-60, in the game (in the reality too, I think).

Nato pilot has more flight hours than Warshaw pact pilot, that is right. I heard about 110-140 max for Su-7 pilot in Czechoslovakia in 1970-198X. Nato pilot has cca double flight time (per year of course). If this is right, that experience for our pilots, in the game, between 50-80 is closer to history.

But I thing it was better (flight hours) between 1950-1970.


Well everything with AIM-9L is hard to shot down by Mig-21 serries in the game. So Mig-21s are in the same problem like F-100s and F-104s like Nicholas Bell wrote. Hard settings of course.

Edited by kukulino

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I agree that the F-15 in a late 1970's campaign is a monster. I've had AI wingmen make "ace" in a single mission.

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I agree that the F-15 in a late 1970's campaign is a monster. I've had AI wingmen make "ace" in a single mission.

Monster like this-------> :diablo: hehe

One shot, one kill :no:

I am trying to contact pilot from exCzechoslovak republic. He can tell me some more info about chaff/flare dispensers loaded on our planes in Czechoslovak history, I hope. Than we can add them into our models. It will be closer to history, I hope :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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OK, I have contact on Fishbed pilot. He answered on many my special questions. If you have some questions for Mig-21, L-29, L-39 (Su-22 too, I think) pilot, feel free to post it, or drop me a PM with question. He is ready to answer on my quetions :good:

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