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Installation location for sims !

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Just bought a new sim machine and installed win xp and all.

So, the next step is LOMAC,SFP1,FALCON,IL-2 installation.

The question is what is the best location for installing these sims?

Is it the system drive C ? or are the other partitions E and F best ?

BTW it's a 320GB drive partitioned C:40GB , E,F are 140GB each.


Cheers :rolleyes:

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The SFP1 series doesn't care where you install it.


I run one of my installs off a flash drive, another off an external hard drive.


Just be aware that with all the addons available, your <1GB install can balloon tremendously.



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Yes i know.

I thought that installing on C ,which gets more defragmented very quickly,will not be the best idea.

I'll make a search on this one here .


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I would install an Third Wire sim on a large partition, due to the numerous mods available (as stated above). My F4:AF install is pretty much un-modded, and comes in at less than 1.4 gigs. I have seven installs of TW games, which total 34 GIGS.... maybe I should seek counseling... or a bigger hard drive...

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I would install an Third Wire sim on a large partition, due to the numerous mods available (as stated above). My F4:AF install is pretty much un-modded, and comes in at less than 1.4 gigs. I have seven installs of TW games, which total 34 GIGS.... maybe I should seek counseling... or a bigger hard drive...


WOW man 7 installs of TK's work.

Did you make a seperate install for every terrain ?

You defenetly need councelling and a bigger HD. :rofl:

After a very long time playing only with TK's work i decided to get back in the cockpit of LOMAC.

Cheers man. :ok:

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