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Mail Call

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Tonight, I was watching Mail Call on the history channel, and got quite a shock. They were talking about Medevac choppers at Fort Irwin. They interviewed the crew chief, the pilot, and when they got to the flight medic, I knew the guy!. His name is Frank Vasquez. I went to medic school with him at Ft. Sam back in 96-97. He was prior service and was always cool with all of the FNG's. I guess things really turned out well for him. Now I feel like a complete S#!%bag for not staying in the military. Oh well, just thought I'd share the story.

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I was stationed @ Ft. Irwin fot 2 years 04-06. Lived in the barracks right up the street from the post hospital and heli strip across the street. Further up the road was base housing, and a really big hill that led to the outer loop, which we ran religiously with my platoon sgt. Gawd, I hated that hill! I went into post housing a couple times for some parties on the weekeds between rotaions, but in reality, that was off limits. That crappy post was so small, if you tripped over a curb in the wrong place at the wrong time it was NJP city. But, we got away with it though :). One time Carl Weathers came out to visit us, and (not kidding) a week later, the GOVERNATOR came out for a pass in review and recognized the 11th Cavalry.


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