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SM SPS-141 for Mig-21

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You may want to tweak that ini entry I gave you with the pod model...I didn't put any ejection velocity on the chaff/flares because I wasn't sure what was good... also, the ejection point was totally a guess.


Just my .02...them flares look REALLY close to the fuselage... :) .



SPS-141 for Mig-21 was ECM container mounted under original centerline station (this is old), equiped with ASO-2I-E7P dispenser. There is another weapon station with chlares/faffs dispensers on that picture. So we have working ECM together with dispenser (close to real container).


To nele:

ASO-2I is dispenser equiped with 32 rounds. In recon pods for Mig-21R are two ASO-2I dispensers. In SM SPS-141 is one, maybe two. This needs more search.


SPS-141 container for Su-17/22 is not equiped with dispensers.

Edited by kukulino

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Got it, Kukulino :smile:


By other, you probably mean this one;




(both pictures from www.manfred-bischoff.de)


It looks like great page about Su-22 and SPS-141, but in German.


And, there's a lot of info bout that version in English at



With links to Russian-language content (Kukulino, You might understand it :wink:)

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Thanx for links nele :biggrin:

And yes, I mean this one for Su-17/22

SPS-141s are modelled by Fast Cargo. Container for Mig-21 is waiting for complete (near to finish), you can see it on gerald14s screenshots. We are working on container for Mig-21 pack, then we can complete container for Su-17/22. But, as I wrote, both containers are moddeled by Fast Cargo.



I do not understand russian language, but it is not problem. We are ex Warsav pact state, so I have friends which understand russian language without problems :yes:


Or I can use online translator (maybe this help me :rolleyes: )

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It seems that "old" contairner was for ingression only (forward area coverage). I found somewhere that it could also get "tangled" with RSIU signals, messing up formation communication.


This other, SPS-141 MVG was 360 deg capable. It looks like their basic performance were the same, but the SPS-141 MVG was smaller (only 160kg). And it it was deceptive jammer, it would go after the seeker guidance signals of "Hawk" or Sparrow, feeding it with false information. The aricraft itself was still clearly visible to the Hawk site or airplane that fired Sparrow on it.


But, what's the point of seeing it when you cannot hit it :biggrin:

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There is something wrong on ASO-21 dispenser.

It is ASO-2I no ASO-21. I found both names on internet, but ASO-2I is right. My mistake, I am sorry :sorry:

I will edit my posts with wrong ASO-2 version.

THANX to nele. He disclosed (or detected or how can I say it) my wrong ASO name. THANX again nele :good:

Edited by kukulino

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