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Nice thing

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MSFS is a nice thing to fly and very advanced due to they grapped (at MS) alot things freeware programes work hard for in previous versions. Some thing would be wished also for the SFP1 but and the state of development from MSFS2K to MSFS2k2 was amazing but after all the money I spent for the FS2k2 I would not change to this one. I fly for at least two years in a virtual Airline (www.ewgva.de, a german regional airline which cooperates with Lufthansa) but I`m not willing to pay lots and lots of money for add-on. The basic MSFS ever had nice features grown with the users requirements but the airport design an the other detailed things where always left to the modders and skinners sitting at home an trying make that thing comfortable.


My personal opinion


Striker01 (or EW371)

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