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Hey all,

There is probably already a thread on this, but does anyone here play WOE online? If so, are you part of any virtual squadrons and such?



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Guest Saganuay82

Check the Virtual SQN chat threads. New sqn just popped up today.

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Who's an online ace? Doghouse.

It took me (F-8E) and my brother (MiG-21PFM) working together over TS for about two hours to beat him (A-4E). Towards the end, he was 100% defensive from the moment he spawned in air, but it took about two hours of flying, dying, brief "lessons learned" and new ideas to get to that point. And even then, he flew about as close to absolutely perfect defensive BFM as I have ever seen and it was up to basically point blank range snapshots to kill him.


Although at one I had him in a low speed, low altitude right hand turn for almost two minutes before, with flaps out, I finally got my nose on him and blasted him, less than three hundred feet away. He was literally filling my gunsight when I fired, which is one of my fonder SFP memories.

Edited by Apocal

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Who's an online ace? Doghouse.

It took me (F-8E) and my brother (MiG-21PFM) working together over TS for about two hours to beat him (A-4E). Towards the end, he was 100% defensive from the moment he spawned in air, but it took about two hours of flying, dying, brief "lessons learned" and new ideas to get to that point. And even then, he flew about as close to absolutely perfect defensive BFM as I have ever seen and it was up to basically point blank range snapshots to kill him.


Although at one I had him in a low speed, low altitude right hand turn for almost two minutes before, with flaps out, I finally got my nose on him and blasted him, less than three hundred feet away. He was literally filling my gunsight when I fired, which is one of my fonder SFP memories.


Dude, it was like you were living Top Gun. :biggrin:


He is very good, then, I trust?

Edited by Longestpants

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lets see creature, streak eagle ,supercharger,sixgun,mr.craig, and sometimes me(rarely me)

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100% defensive? No, not hardly. You guys switched tactics (bout time too cuz what you were doing wasn't working and I can't believe it took so long to figure that out), so I switched tactics too. To bad you two quit before you found out just what they were, things were just starting to get fun. Perhaps another day huh? :wink:

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