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A6M7 Type 63 Zero Pak

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A6M7 Type 63 Zero Pak

A6M7 Type 63 Zero Package: for SF/WoV/WoE WW2, PTO installs


This little modification creates a new aircraft based off ArmorDave's A6M5 "Zeke" IJN fighter. Included in this package are the skins, inis, and some various small and sundry bits. The aircraft LOD and cockpit folders are NOT included - you 'll be transfering them over from the stock A6M5. Therefore, it is NOT a complete aircraft package.


Ini mods include changing out the weapons for 12.7mm machine guns, 2 in the wings and one in the upper engine cowling deck, along with the standard 20mm cannons in the wings. No other changes to the flight model has been effected.


The skin, from a new template created by me from the original Volks & Lansen skins (and using parts thereof), represents 210 Kokutai, based in Japan, sometime in 1945. You'll have serial numbers for 18 aircraft, and one 'end of the line' filler.


I've also given you some other gunsight tgas, so you can choose between them.


You will also be using the Weapons Editor to add 2 new IJNAF rockets, based on existing one. No lods are included, or needed, as such.


= You MUST have the latest Weapons Pak installed for the WW2 Weapons!!! =


Obviously, you must have AD's Zero's installed to use the package....


I had originally started this, but got an 85% complete mod from christian59 (who's real name I don't know), so he gets a substantial portion of the credit for this mod ... I just cleaned up the inis a little, and did the skin and decals.

His work also includes a new, more faded bmp for the 52 gallon drop tank, and the aforementioned rockets.


PLEASE read the enclose readme for more, detailed install instructions!!!


Happy Hunting!


kevin Stein


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