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Zeitgeist III

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Damn! i have been confuse! what is real and what is not real watching this movie... :blink:

this movied shocked me! in part 5, one man explain one terrible thing... just starting a war with few words just because he's own interest! is that so simple as a wish?

WTF? where is honnour !?!? destroy one entire country, culture,families .....just for money? he(Rockfeller) is not satisfac with he's Ferrari in garage?, a High end computer, a 50'' LCD television, a particular Jumbo jet !?!? play lord of war? Damn! buy a ps2 and play!

i simple cannot understand :blink:

I'm not a communist(that's because im i high captalist haha!) or a lover of them, but what i saw in this movie really chock me!


or maybe i just belived this too much ?? :blink:

Edited by Silverbolt

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