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Vertices scaling animation

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Hi all , i'm a little stuck at the moment with afterburner nozzle animation in 3dsmax . The way i was attempting was to select the outer ring of vertices on the nozzle and scale them up but once i turn off set key the animation is lost . I'm not sure if it has something to do with the controler setup or not so was wondering if anyone here had any ideas as to what i am doing wrong , thanks in advance .

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Guest capun

I think there has been a couple of post regarding this issue before, do a search to find them.


If You need help contact me by email and I can forward some of my notes on this issue. Try here


capun1950 (at) yahoo (dot) com


Unlike the normal meshes, you do not use the TCB controllers for vertex animation. Also the vertices that are going to be scaled cannot have any rotation or position component. If you need to do so, create a very small mesh that your vertices are linked to and have that mesh do the rotation and position changes.


I can't recall off the top of my head what the controller setup is.




- You need to use Bezier Scale, Position XYZ and Euler XYZ fot the mesh with the vertex animation

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Thanks for the info Capun , i'm sure i'll be in touch :smile:

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