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Frank Linke-Crawford Alb D.IIIOAW 153.11

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Frank Linke-Crawford Alb D.IIIOAW 153.11

Frank Link-Crawford won six of his 27 victories in Alb D.III 153.11 during October and November 1917, while flying in Flik 41J. He was the fourth highest scoring pilot in the Austro-Hungarian Air Service.


No Hanroit HD-1s were among Linke-Crawfords confirmed or unconfirmed kills, but he was shot down and killed on July 30, 1918 by two Italian Hanriot HD.1 fighters from 81a Squadriglia. The pilot who got credit for the victory, Caporale Pilota Aldo Astolfi, had no others during the war.


My time machine is no longer operational. This skins is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws. I am aware that the rudder depicted is round at the trailing edge, rather than the straight. Both rounded and straight rudders were used on Alb D.III’s, but I would have preferred to use the straight edge type. The available model does not offer the straight edge version. Modification of this part is beyond my present skill. If you can do it, please contact me.


Many sources were consulted in the preparation of these skins, including: Dr. Martin O'Connor, Air Aces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1914-1918, Austro-Hungarian Aces of World War 1 by Chris Chant, Mark Rolfe (Illustrator) / Paperback / Osprey Publishing (February 2002), Above the War Fronts by Norman L. R. Franks, Russell Guest, Gregory Alegi / Hardcover / Grub Street (September 1997), Windsock Datafile #19 Albatros D.III (Oef)/ Grosz/Colours & Markings by Ray Rimmel , The Aerodrome Forum, R.N. Pearson profiles and other material on line.


Just drop the folder in your Albatros_D3OAW folder and select Frank Linke-Crawford in the loadout screen. There is no need to edit the ini.


This skin is made available only for your personal use. Please no distribution or republication of any part of these files. I’d appreciate any comments, especially with links to source material. Have fun.


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