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Southside Bucky

Plane parts too fragile...Can this be fixed?

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Hi guys.


Trying to create some more historical quick missions, but I'm being constantly frustrated by the ease with which both the AI and players plane loses ailerons, elevators, or even a whole wing...It only seems to take a couple of bullet hits to make these parts fly off!


Can anyone tell me how to fix this by changing an INI File parameter or two? I'm using the EP+April Patch.


Thanks in advance for any help with this.


All the best.



Edited by Southside Bucky

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The most direct way is to use the ammo weight mod (it lowers the weight of the shells by about 40% ) from Peter01.


It was in his most recent FM packages, but I have it as a stand alone if you cannot find it.



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Hi Sinbad.


I have tried to find that, but I think Peter took them off the site after the April patch altered everything again.


I'll PM you with my email address, if you wouldn't mind sending me that INI file.


Thanks for your time.



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easiest thing to try is to alter the aircraftobject.ini


near the top



VolumeStructurePoint=1000////this is the "hitpoints" for a given structure multiplied by the area of that structure (min/maxextents)



the jet sims seem to use 5000 as a number and ground objects (usually bigger) use 10



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Hi P10ppy.


Thanks for your suggestion. I'll give it a go.


Incidentally, I'm really looking forward to Peter01's post patch FM update so I can use that fantastic Morane N of yours again.


Can I enquire as to whether you're still working on that Voisin?


Thanks again.



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Aye still working on it :blush:

Its pretty near finished, just got to sort out the Fm and loadouts (and fiddle with the pit a little more)


Ran out of energy for it tho, so am having a wee break from aircraft...


bitten by the TE bug (more of a disease really :wink:)

thought it would be a nice way to relax after work... :rolleyes:


easily distracted....

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bitten by the TE bug (more of a disease really :wink:)

thought it would be a nice way to relax after work... :rolleyes:


easily distracted....


'Scuse my ignorance...TE?

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