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Salmson Ailerons Offset

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The Salmsons in my install are flyable after installing the mod pcpilot but the, but the ailerons are offset. It may even be a glitch from the original install. It does not affect flying characteristics, but it certainly looks dumb.

There must be a way to correct the nominal setting, but it is beyond my poor powers.


Any guidance?







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try removing Pcpilot's SALMSON2A_DATA.INI from the Salmson folder.... (or renaming it)

It looks very different from the latest (post-addon, post-patch) SALMSON2A_DATA.INI

TK has obviously changed stuff

Don't know if it will break anything else, Pcpilot doesn't say much about what he changed in the DATA.INI (nothing is really necessary for a pit iirc)

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AOK now.


Thanks P10ppy!



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