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A question about FE/Balloons

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I don't own FE, not really a fan of WWI sims anymore and I really can't get into them. But what I'm curious about is how the ballons are set up in FE. Are these stationary airborne targets or do they move at a VERY slow pace? I'm guessing they have no stall speed and so on. I'm looking to try something in WOI when I get my puter fixed and am curious to see if their flight characteristics can be duplicated in game or if it's engine specific.

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The ballons in FE are tethered observation balloons with baskets and observers.


They do no move.


No Zeppelins, which are slow movers, come in game, but there are one or two in the 3rd party realm, IIRC.

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Cheers Spec. So they are definitely airborne and definitely stationary... Good. And they're classified as an aircraft, not a Ground object? I know it sounds like a silly question...

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I think they were classified as ground objects, and switched over to aerial after the last patch.


Or, maybe I am wrong. The latest readme I just looked up did not mention balloons at all.


Sorry, hadn't flown it for a while, so cannot recall that detail off the top...

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They are classified as ground objects.


Actually, I wouldn't be TOO sure about not being able to move them...I've been thinking about adding some 'movement' entries into a balloon data ini to see if I can get them to move. Right now, the zepplin addons for FE were porked and are unusable due to the FM changes in the FE patches. Reassigning them as 'balloons' that can move would help bring them back into game.


And btw, balloons work just fine in WOI...in fact, they do NOT work in SFP1/WOV/WOE at the moment. Check my 'ASAT' download for details...the 'satellite' is simply a balloon placed REALLY high...



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They are classified as ground objects.


Crap. That might pose a problem then...


When I'm back up and running, I'll give your ASATs a look in FC. The reason or all the questions was that I've been playing with door gunners on my helos and I though that maybe, just maybe, I could introduce some small, possibly invisible aerial targets the gunners could shoot at to give the cheaty impression that they were firing at targets on the ground. I was on my way to testing this when my video card blew... even then, I had a few issues with the airborne targets and though balloons might be the way to go.

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dont forget this


Doesn't work properly in any FE version past initial release...FM was porked.


Unless someone fixed it...



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