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solution for CTD in malvinas campaign

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Consistent CTD in campaign selection screen, after that you pick campaing save name could be due to I anti-ship missions. (not the strike missions against ship target.) I had this problem in an antiship campaign I wanted to make.

What happens is that in order not to have CTD when an antiship mission is generated by campaign engine, all the cargo_ship object 's nationnames must be labelled as Generic in their data.ini

The system will pick only ships labeled as cargo ship as targets.

. We discussed this problem also with baltika for his BoB scenario and campaign. So it is a matter of educated guess turning some ship which are very nation specific, such as atlantic conveyor and causeway for example, to warship label , so that they are not picked as targets. And labeling nation generic those that we like to picked as targets for antiship missions.

By doing so I solved the problem and have no CTD in this mod

Still some anti-ship mission gets targeted off map, but I guess that this a sfp limitation

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