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Thought I seen it before..

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But not sure so I will bring it up..is it planned to create a model for the Vought F8 and A7 as well as the F102 Delta Dagger?, these were also aircraft of the era..and with birds like the F4, A-6, F104, and the F100, the lack of the F8 and A7 (Crusader and Corsair II) kind of shows..the F8 was the fastest aircraft for a long time..faster than even the Phantom..it was the last of the naval guns only dogfighters.


I've downloaded Gmax..taken a look at it and am TOTALLY clueless on its use..I thought maybe it wasn't as hard as I thought it was..its worse..LOL..second..I'm not artistically inclined..so if a model builder has the inclination, these would be great birds



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DK, according to the Skunkworks project list THEY are doing, there is an F-8 Crusader in the works. I agree with you that that plane along with the A-7 are pretty much "must haves" for the era. It didnt show an A-7 however. When I was on the Uss Independance we had two squadrons of A-7E's on board, VA-15 "Valions", and VA-87 "Golden Warriors". It was interesting to watch them tear up our towed "target spar" with thier cannon and bombs. Being the Boatswainmate in charge of the Target spar however meant I always had to haul in that riddled, waterlogged hunk of worthless metal after they were done with it...

Those were cool birds, I'd love to fly one in this game.

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