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Mix and Match

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I was sitting here and I suddenly wondered if I could make new color schemes for the Fokker Dr.1 by just moving the Jasta schemes from folder to folder, and whalaaa it worked! I dont know if anyone else here already knew or had tried this ,but I was pleasantly surprised by my sudden brain storm. Anyway guys give it a try.

Yours Respectfully'

VONTOBLER :salute:

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Yeah, I've done this a few times.


If you want an accurate generic colour scheme for the Albatros D.I and D.II (Bortdafarm's versions), this is the way to do it:


1. Download Gambit168's Alb skin pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5306


2. In the 'Albatros D.II' folder, open the folder 'AlbDIIBrown', then copy the file 'Eindeckerfuse'.


3. Open the '3 col PATTERN2' Folder, and paste the 'Eindeckerfuse' into it. (Either rename the original file or allow the new one to overwite it.)


4. Finally, in the '3 col PATTERN2' folder is a file named 'Eindeckercowl'. Copy this, rename it 'Eindeckerwood', then paste it over the existing file of the same name. This will give you nice accurate light grey struts (including the tail skid unfortunately, but that's barely noticable).


5. The Albatros D.I was the same colour as the D.II, so copy '3 col PATTERN2' from the Alb D.II folder, and paste it into the Albatros D.I. Don't forget to change both plane's 'Configuration Settings' files accordingly.


Personally, I deleted all the other colour schemes, because nice as they are, they're not very accurate historically.


Hope I've explained that clearly.







If you want to get really pedantic about it, you could change the insignia, to use the iron cross on white fields, which would be more accurate, especially for the D.I.

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