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Documentary Is A Must See...

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I just watched this FANTASTIC German made 'What-If' feature length documentary, depicting a scenario of the Warsaw Pact invading

West Germany in 1990. For anyone who's interested in alternative history or playing a lot of WOE :biggrin: I'd highly recommend it.


One question for our German friends; does anyone know of subtitled or voice-over version of this? Although I really enjoyed it and

couls make out what was happening by watching it, I was a bit confused by interviews with 'politicians' and others.

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Nice find! However, I don't think that there are English versions of these documentaries around, since the ZDF is a public network that is financed by fees (<- this is a link) and therefore does not need to sell anything to anyone... :wink:

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Nice find! However, I don't think that there are English versions of these documentaries around, since the ZDF is a public network that is financed by fees (<- this is a link) and therefore does not need to sell anything to anyone... :wink:



Shame about that. Still, even watching it was absolutely brilliant. Makes you wonder though, I'm really surprised Hollywood hasn't taken a story like this onboard. It would make a FANTASTIC blockbuster. Take note, Mr. Spielberg!


In the meantime, here's another brilliant Docu-drama made by the BBC in the eighties. It's called 'Threads':


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Yeah, I just watched 'Threads' last week.


Be careful with that one. It's a great movie, but it is awfully graphic. I mean, it doesn't pull any punches with respect to the horror of a nuclear war.


A good movie, but it's not something to watch if you expect to be in a good mood afterwards.

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Yeah, I just watched 'Threads' last week.


Be careful with that one. It's a great movie, but it is awfully graphic. I mean, it doesn't pull any punches with respect to the horror of a nuclear war.


A good movie, but it's not something to watch if you expect to be in a good mood afterwards.




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Just checked out amazon.co.uk but they don't seem to have it in stock on DVD.....BAAAAAAAAAHH!!! :blowup:


Must check out some other websites. Does anyone know of any German websites where it can be

obtained on DVD?

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Good find, a lot of this footage is similar the Documentary First Strike and The Day After, which can be found on youtube. Both show a USAF SAC response to a Russian attack.

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