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money and timing

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So last week I bought my annual Roth IRA contributions for the year...and by Friday my meager choices were already posting gains to my account of +4%...now a week later and I just lost -10% of that total amount...in one lousy week...on just that account.


Of course I realize that other people lost more money but that is what they do...so do not compare this thread to Wall St or Fannie Mae...I set it at the level of you and me, the average citizen...how is everyone else faring right now?


Guess I will go back to watching 1975 re-runs of Dr. Who on DVD and avoid the window ledges...


* And yes, I had it diversified according to Kiplers and Money and Morningstar and Janus and T Rowe Price and every other freakin guide book out there.


** Glad that I postponed starting a TSP (Thrift Savings Plan...like a government 401k that does NOT match...I know, why bother?)

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Theres so much about investing I dont know...but so far to my knowledge the wife and I's accounts have still posted gains, albiet very meager. Our money is simply tied up in credit union savings accounts, a few IRAs and money markets, and Id like to get a few simple bonds going. It is distrssing sometimes to see such significant variations in the percentages. Chances tend to be very good I believe however for further growth as the economy stabilizes. Whats been happening this last year in the economy that I can see isnt really very unusual. The early 90's are a good example. I also have the advantage of living in a single story home so the window ledges dont trouble me too much...except for the roses below them...that would hurt...

Edited by pcpilot

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