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On the warpath

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I told em Id post this everywhere I could think of, so, here goes!


To whom it may concern:


I am representing my mother in regards to a LCD monitor that she purchased (a I-INC cy199) which, unfortunatly has failed to perform normally.


Brand new out of the box, it had 2 (two) dead pixels. Ok, we can deal with that we said. But nw the monitor, at maybe 1 (one) year old wont even show a picture. All it does is the power button flashes from yellow to blue. NOWHERE IN THE OWNERS MANUAL DOES IT REFER TO A CONDITION THAT WOULD RESULT IN THIS BEHAVIOR. It only refers to a steady blue or yellow light. I have a more than basic knowledge of electronics, so this leads me to believe that the flashing is possibly a trouble code, due to the fact that improperly operating systems dont just flash on their own.


Ok, moving along, you would think I would be emailing a company called I-INC, wouldnt you? Any normal consumer would immediatly look for a site called I-INC.com. Well, Im fairly normal, so went to here;http://www.i-inc.com.tw/en/index.html


Well, I dont happen to speak or read chinese, and the site is basically useless otherwise, and in no way refers to being part of HANNSTAR. I stumbled upon that fact on my own, and that is how I ended up emailing you.


And yes, I did call the 888 number and after about 30 minutes of muzak, I finnaly reached a customer representative, who was cordial but condescending. I explained the situation by telling him that normally, Im the good consumer and I roll over and just buy a new monitor and that this time that would not happen.


Right about then I should have been transfered to his superior, but, was not. He proceeded to ask me my address, phone number, email and then gave me an email address to send a copy of proof of purchase so that they could then give me an address of a repair facility........




Gentlemen, let me make this a little clearer, I expect this matter to be resolved in a manner that ends up with my mother getting a properly working monitor at no cost to her(which meens a new one, not this one repaired or a refurbished unit).


Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.




P.S. This email and your responses are being monitored by every forum/blog/message board/etc that I can think of for the purposes of training and evaluation, oh yeah, and your reputation.



Yeah, im venting. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

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I told em Id post this everywhere I could think of, so, here goes!


To whom it may concern:


I am representing my mother in regards to a LCD monitor that she purchased (a I-INC cy199) which, unfortunatly has failed to perform normally.


Brand new out of the box, it had 2 (two) dead pixels. Ok, we can deal with that we said. But nw the monitor, at maybe 1 (one) year old wont even show a picture. All it does is the power button flashes from yellow to blue. NOWHERE IN THE OWNERS MANUAL DOES IT REFER TO A CONDITION THAT WOULD RESULT IN THIS BEHAVIOR. It only refers to a steady blue or yellow light. I have a more than basic knowledge of electronics, so this leads me to believe that the flashing is possibly a trouble code, due to the fact that improperly operating systems dont just flash on their own.


Ok, moving along, you would think I would be emailing a company called I-INC, wouldnt you? Any normal consumer would immediatly look for a site called I-INC.com. Well, Im fairly normal, so went to here;http://www.i-inc.com.tw/en/index.html


Well, I dont happen to speak or read chinese, and the site is basically useless otherwise, and in no way refers to being part of HANNSTAR. I stumbled upon that fact on my own, and that is how I ended up emailing you.


And yes, I did call the 888 number and after about 30 minutes of muzak, I finnaly reached a customer representative, who was cordial but condescending. I explained the situation by telling him that normally, Im the good consumer and I roll over and just buy a new monitor and that this time that would not happen.


Right about then I should have been transfered to his superior, but, was not. He proceeded to ask me my address, phone number, email and then gave me an email address to send a copy of proof of purchase so that they could then give me an address of a repair facility........




Gentlemen, let me make this a little clearer, I expect this matter to be resolved in a manner that ends up with my mother getting a properly working monitor at no cost to her(which meens a new one, not this one repaired or a refurbished unit).


Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.




P.S. This email and your responses are being monitored by every forum/blog/message board/etc that I can think of for the purposes of training and evaluation, oh yeah, and your reputation.



Yeah, im venting. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.


Sounds familiar to me. I tried to get the unlock code for a mobile phone I bought for my gf. Seeing as I bought the handset full price rather than discounted for being tied to a sim, imagine my response when it became clear that once a sim card went in, it was tied to that one company!! I went all around the trees barking and put out a fortune in call costs but after several weeks the only option remaining was to get it unlocked for £10 in a second hand shop.


Big companies don't seem to care about the individual, so long as they can move enough gear to make up for the odd few they loose from things like this, they don't even blink.


The only way to get these people to DO something is to get a consumer guru to take up the case for you, we have a handful of well known (that really is the key here) consumer programs on tv; when those get on the case and make it public, the companies soon start to think of ways to silence you. (or make good their obligations depending what spin you prefer). Bottom line, keep trying for the while and pray that something moves.

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Yeah! Stick it to the man! If a product doesn't work properly, the company should at least replace it, it's not like they can't afford it.

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Next time, buy from tigerdirect. Out of the box the motherboard I bought was dead. Called them up and they replaced it no hassle whatsoever, I just had to wait a few days.


But don't bother asking about products at all. Originally I wanted to know the difference between two motherboards and why with identically listed specs their prices were different. The only thing between them was one had an "e" at the end of the model name. Thats all they could tell me either.

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Try reading up on the consumerist.org. You might be able to get someone to get info on an EECB (executive e-mail carpet bomb) and if you luck out, maybe they'll post your gripe. worth a shot.

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Next time, buy from tigerdirect. Out of the box the motherboard I bought was dead. Called them up and they replaced it no hassle whatsoever, I just had to wait a few days.


But don't bother asking about products at all. Originally I wanted to know the difference between two motherboards and why with identically listed specs their prices were different. The only thing between them was one had an "e" at the end of the model name. Thats all they could tell me either.


Thats where we got it from, but since they gave her such a runaround on the rebate, I didnt think they would do the right thing either.

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