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752 and 777 on their way to Hatzor AFB and they're bringing some friends (753 to 776). ETA: Two weeks... eh... tomorrow. :biggrin:

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Tried to upload at least four times, but no joy. :dntknw: Got a the 'connection was reset' error in Firefox.

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Im guessing the squadron now flies the C version.Do they still sport the grey scheme?

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No, after they got upgraded, all aircraft delivered under Peace Marble IV were painted in the standard desert scheme.

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Guest Sony Tuckson

That lot of vipers was delivered with "standard" camo straight from the USA after Gulf War I

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Wilco you aren't using a file uploader program are you?

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Wilco you aren't using a file uploader program are you?


No, I'm using Firefox 3.0. Even tried with rarely used IE, but that didn't work either.

Edited by wilco

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