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Zdar chlapi :yes:


Som odštartoval nový projektík. Alebo skôr adaptáciu :biggrin:


Už dávnejšie mi v žalúdku ležal stock Mig-19S. Urobiť ho flyable nie je problém. Ale ukočírovať ho... To je iné kafe... Flight model Migu-19S vôbec nezodpovedal obratnej mašine s dobrou stúpavosťou... Kto skúsil, vie o čom hovorím.


Už teraz môžem povedať, že nový letový model je hotový. Spravil ho starfighter2 a vôbec nepochybujem že sa bude páčiť :spiteful:


Základný skin mám takmer hotový. Možno pribudne aj jedan či dva ďalšie. Špecifická výzbroj dvomi ORO-57K raketnica umiestnenými za podvozkovými šachtami na krídle je tiež plánovaná. Pôvodné pylóny na nábežnej hrane krídla naše mašiny nepoužívali (už sú "vymazané" aj z S-105 modelu :haha: )


Podobne plánujem aj dve verzie S-105. Sú odlišné rozdielnou dĺžkou kýlovej plochy na chvoste a tiež by bolo dobré vymodelovať imitáciu zameriavača pre externý model (stock verzia -- podľa môjho skúmania a z neho plynúceho názoru -- reprezentuje skoršiu verziu s kratšou kýlovkou). Tieto vecy sa však musia prediskutovať s 76.IAP-Blackbirdom, ktorý je momentálne na dovolenke po ťažkom skúškovom období.


Kokpit by bol upravený Mig-19S pit z download section. Dúfam že sa to podarí a čoskoro si budeme môcť streliť z troch NR-30 na nejaký dôstojný cieľ a budeme vedieť, že nestrieľami z podhodnotenej mašiny :biggrin:


Takto zatiaľ vypadá zameriavač:



V akcii...



A S-105:


Edited by kukulino

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Uzasny. MiG-19S fakt muzu. Skvela prace. Moc se tesim. Ted se nejak objevuje spousta super letadel. A to jeste nejsou Vanoce :-)

Jo a kde si sehnal ten obrazek? Je fakt peknej :-)

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Zdar :yes:


Mig-19 aj ja dosť môžem :biggrin: A to je ešte ako WIP aj P alebo PM verzia (neviem presne), ale má nižšiu prioritu na "to do" liste jej autora. Takže v dohľadnej dobe ho asi neuvidíme. Ale pevne verím že S-105 bude čoskoro.



A ten obrázok je scan z Lock On No 21 (Aircraft photo file 799. Mikoyan Mig-21MF Fishbed). Je to taký zošit s fotografickým materiálom detailov maďarskej Mig-21MF. Znaky sú dorobené, pravda :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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Taký maličkú update :biggrin:


Niektoré S-105 mali na nose malý emblém s hviezdou, listami a nápisom "V SOCIALISTICKÉ PÉČI"


Síce to nie je na skine čitateľné (samotný znak bol veľmi malý), ale je to tam :yes: Aspoň budeme vedieť o čo ide :wink:



EDIT: a rozmýšľam, že druhý skin by bol bez farebných doplnkov na chvoste a výškovkách. Panely vedľa kanónov na trupe možno budú tmavšie.


Edited by kukulino

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I have still your MiG-21R on my HDD will work on it today maybe finished this evening or later this week.


What do oyu mean by fin fillet? And the box? If you have some pics for reference I don`t think it`s so hard to create this stuff. The gunsight box is really needed. I think will do it.

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Wellcome back :biggrin:


OK. Thanks for interest. You will see what you can do :yes:


About box ---- see first picture in my previous post. No gunsight model in the pit. So just simple gunsight box model, maybe with some glass as "HUD/gunsight" is needed.

Edited by kukulino

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Not necessary have Hi-detail model, becouse S-105 is just stock Mig-19S adaptation :wink:


So nice gunsight and different tail section is needed to get wanted S-105 look.


Most different from stock Mig-19S is flight model :biggrin:

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New gunsight

new antennas under the fuselage, under the left wing, on the top of the tailfin

humps on the tailfin and on the fin under the belly


can see on the pic below



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Looking ABSOLUTELY AMAZING :shok: :fans:

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Nice you like it, will map it, you will be able to change the colour not really the texture will map it as mass. 3 colours for the pit, 1 colour for the antenas and one for the tail antena wich is now red cause of the skin.


hope this is the stuff you`ve wanted!

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Sent you last update in PM. Sometimes it is hard comunicate with me and my english, I know :blush:


Now we have first production version finished with your stuff. Second version is diffirend just in longer tail part.


I feel very good mod in the air :happy: :ph34r:

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Rgr that :yes:


It is not hard make it I hope. If you will have time for it and you will make it, it is the last part for external model. Skins are finished, ORO pod with basic rocket model is finished, FM finished. Than it will be possible make pack with both bit different versions whose served in our AF.


I am sorry again for my english. Project looks very good in this WIP phase. Looky forward to final version :biggrin:

Edited by kukulino

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I see veery nice Migs :biggrin:





I see both S-105 variants. Closer plane is earlier plane with shorter "finn fillet" and second plane is with later longer "finn fillet". This is exactly what is needed for Czechoslovak S-105 (and in general for Mig-19S) look :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: Thank you :cray: :blush:

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Good!!! But i need to work a bit on the late fin. I also created this plane for this fin, now we have


S-105 early with humps

S-105 late with fin will pack both and send them to you when I finish the UV mapping stuff maybe in the next days!

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Rgr that! And looky forward to your stuff :clapping:


I have low info about OARS-57 rocket for ORO rocket pod, so for this time no new version is planned.


ORO-57K firing S-5 for test:


Edited by kukulino

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Jo hey Ravenclaw is redoing the S-5 rockets.. so .... ;-)


Damn If I had the OUT file I would redo the small intakes for you...

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Ouuuha. Good news. Will be cool have multiple warheads for UB-16/32, ORO-57K rocket pods :yahoo:



Mmm, well, no easy way get OUT file from install. Not included in any CAT file I think. Is it possible use LOD and Hex editor for finding needed parts? Mmm, or ask TK for OUT... :cool:

Edited by kukulino

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