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OKi, if I understand it right: you meant those small intakes on fuselage, right? And delete them.


I found in LOD needed lines, so i can "delete" those original intakes from fuselage



Please confirm if it is what you need for redone intakes (and whose intakes concretely you want have deleted. There are another small intakes on the sides of engine section). If yes, I will sent you edited S-105_data.ini

Edited by kukulino

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Confirmed! pls delete those intakes on the tail too, what about the fins on the wing?! Are you happy with them?! ;-) Maybe another and more detailed wingguns?! and a cupholder for the pit?!


My idea:


intakes on the tail <--- have to look at them (they looked good for me, but when I`m on it I can make new one)

intakes on the middle fuselage pls delete!!!

new gun modells

maybe new wing fins?! and we will have a damn nice S-105 modells


how did you find out the name???

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OK. I try delete intakes on engine section (I saw 8 parts on engine section in LOD file, so I suppose that they are those small intakes), than delete those two intakes on right side and I try delete fins on wings. Will take a look on guns. Let you know about result.



For finding parts in LOD file I use HEX editor: http://www.hhdsoftware.com/Products/home/h...ditor-free.html donno if it is the same, but looks like it is :yes: I have low skill with HEX, but I am learning. Finding parts names is not hard. There are dozens thing in opened LOD and in them are parts names :biggrin:


So I agree with all your ideas :good: Hope it will be possible delete needed parts.

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It seems like a good cooperation, will send my 3D work over to Ravenclaw for mapping stuff cause I don`t have a clue how to do it the right way. Hope you are ready to send me the file this evening so I can start to finish this bird.. damn those intakes were the parts wich pi** me off cause they look so damn ugly.I`m very happy with your results.


when you are ready pls send it over to me! thanks!

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Great news I will be home at 8 or so... have to do some homework and can work on it this night. Allready asked in our german forum for skinning help, I think they will agree to help me with this, so pls put some credits to the one who helps me.


Can`t wait to start!!!!!!

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GREAT NEWS :biggrin::good: :good: :good:


Cannons and fins on wings deleted. I am deleting small intakes on engine section now.

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Oki. Deleted :cool::crazy:



I am not sure if it is possible delete that cover on front cannon. But I try it. Let me know if it will be better for you if I delete it or lor not please (if I will find right component :biggrin: ) :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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Check your PM, please :wink:


EDIT: found needed component so cannon cover is deleted. I sent another PM with edited data.ini


Use which is needed more of course :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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rgr that. Do not worry. Take your time. I never said finish date :no:

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I have a request!!! And some more small work for you, can you pls delete the tail fin under the fuselage ;-) have a new one!

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Very good, have done some intakes postion not right yet, new guns, new fins for wings and fuselage new antenna small boxes on the wings and some other stuff

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Ouha, you are damn fast :blink::biggrin:


Underfin deleted. Check PM :yes:

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Things need to be deleted

antena next to canopy

small item on top of the main intake would redo it with much more detail


I have another idea, what about redo the canopy? Only thing will be, you can`t open it anymore.


Things changed:


wing fins

fuselage fin

front edge of the wings

all small intakes


Engine exhaust

small antenas


humps on fins

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Ajajajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaááááj, looky Fantastic :shout:


You mean delete both canopy parts probably, right? I can not do it now (must go away and there are more parts needed to be deleted - glass parts together with canopy frames).


I hope that non movable canopy part (or that front smaller part with windscreen) is not part of nose section, but part alone. I tried delete that frontal canopy part from Mig-21PFM in my experiments, but no way. It was basical part of nose section. When I deleted nose, I deleted canopy part. But need search for it. Let you know as soon as is possible.



Thanks for great work!!! :good:


PS: about hi-res skin for Mig-19S. You used Wrenchs template probable. I tried make weathering and other needed things to get nice Hi-res skin for S-105, but unfortunately, I still have low skill to do it. So for S-105 I used Mig-19S 512x512 skin from newest patch and resized it to 1024x1024 plus added/painted those Czechoslovak details. So my opinion is, try ask Soulfreak or Sundowner. They are masters (ravenclaw make skins for his CL-13B? So he is master too). Question is if they have time.


Or use skins from newest patch too. Personally I like them:

Edited by kukulino

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Mig-19S stock canopy model is not the nicest thing on the world, but it is openable.


On the other hand... You have skill to create much much nicer canopy. But without opening animation.


Mmm, what is better for S-105 mod :dntknw:


For delete canopy we need another three Component[0xx]= lines (windscreen, windscreen inside, canopy), but we reached Component[032]= so we can not add more.


Mmm, but there are 8 small intakes on the engine section. You made new and much nicer...


According to your screenshots, new plane looks very nice as is. But you can very probable improve its look with new canopy. And tail intakes will be original from stock model than...


What is your opinion?

Edited by kukulino

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mh only three? sounds good, if we leave the tail intakes we can delete the canopy and the pivot for the P, maybe I can create a cover for those intakes or I really start recreating this MiG-19S and will use my Avia parts for this but this would take much more time to do this and it`s my first plane!

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