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Weird Red Crown calls (STFU Be-atch)

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I wish we could take a few of you ground guys up on an A/R flight and let you hear how bad the radios are with the ground jammers lit up. The receiver has to be within 1/2 mile before we can understand them.


A few times it's been like 'Yea, Baja 11, you are coming in broken and unreadable, but you are cleared to rejoin left observation. Ensure noses cold, switches safe and dont run into us"


And dont get me started about the Prowlers...

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I've had some pretty stupid call signs in my day.


Army wasn't so bad, they were pretty universal, really easy for tanks.


Company Level


Red = 1st Platoon

White = 2nd Platoon

Blue = 3rd Platoon

Green = Attached Platoon

Company Name/Black = HQ Platoon


Say the company name is "Raging Bulls"


Commander = Rage 6

1SG = Rage 7

Company CP = Rage X-RAY

Company Medics = Rage Trauma (sometimes Band-Aid)

Company Mechanics = Rage 8

Supply Dork = Rage 4


Platoon Level


Red 1 = Platoon Leader

Red 2 = PL's Wingman

Red 3 = PSG's Wingman

Red 4 = Platoon Sergeant


(The 2 wingman is senior to the 3 wingman because he is the wingman of the least experienced tank commander, the Platoon Leader)


Crew Level


Red 1 (actual) Tank Commander

Red 1 Golf = Gunner

Red 1 Delta = Driver

Red 1 Lima = Loader


The concept for the Battalion Callsigns is the same.


In the Air Force my callsign changed a lot, one time I was Ballerina 3 November, I will never forget that, it was just embarrassing.

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