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Just ordered WoE, requesting mods!

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So I just ordered Wings over Europe and I heard it has lots of good mods.


Can someone advice me if there are some of these avaible as mods:

1. Flyable MiG-21.

2. Missions and campaigns for MiG-21.

3. Better terrain textures.



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Hey AOP, welcome to the board!


Answering your questions:

1:knowledge base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99

2:proper download folder: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=29

3: proper download folder: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=28


Just take the time to browse, do not start asking rightaway for things that are already easily available.

With a little time and effort you'll see there is a lot to satisfy your appetite!

Remember, the Knowledge Base and the Search Option are your friends!


Happy flying!




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Make sure you also get the latest Weapons Editor from the Third Wire website. With the changes made with the Oct 2008 patch (which should be incorporated into your copy of WOE if you purchased directly from the Third Wire site, otherwise you will have to patch a retail version), you most likely will need the Weapons Editor to correctly add mods.


Like everyone says, hit the Knowledge Base ASAP and if something isn't clear- just ask. Everyone here has been where you are now and is willing to assist. But you will find 90% of your questions answered in the KB.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Third Wire flight games!

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Hey AOP, welcome to the board!


Answering your questions:

1:knowledge base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99

2:proper download folder: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=29

3: proper download folder: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=28


Just take the time to browse, do not start asking rightaway for things that are already easily available.

With a little time and effort you'll see there is a lot to satisfy your appetite!

Remember, the Knowledge Base and the Search Option are your friends!


Happy flying!




I found the pack with 6 different MiG-21s but no word on actual missions or campaigns.


I ordered the retail version (was less than 10€ including shipping here in Finland) but I have no idea when will it arrive.


I found loads of new terrain sets but didn't stumble upon improved textures for original. From what I read on multiple reviews I got the impression that the terrain textures are the weakest link of this games graphics.


I know this should run fine on my main rig (C2D E4300@3GHz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2, Asus EN9800GT TOP which I overclocked more) but I wonder if my crappy laptop with 900MHz Dothan Celeron, 1GB 533MHz DDR2 and Intel GMA900 can run this game.


edit: Does this game have campaign generator? Like if I download the MiG-21 addon can the game create a campaign for it with some sort of random campaign generator?

Edited by aop

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I found the pack with 6 different MiG-21s but no word on actual missions or campaigns.


Did you happen to look in the "Missions and Campaigns" section of the download section? You will find what you are looking for there.


I found loads of new terrain sets but didn't stumble upon improved textures for original.

Did you look in the Tileset and Environmental Mods section?




Does this game have campaign generator? Like if I download the MiG-21 addon can the game create a campaign for it with some sort of random campaign generator?


No, but you can easily add MiG-21s to campaigns with a little ini editing. Or with a little practice you can create your own campaigns. Just read the knowledge base. Not everything is covered there, but should be enough reading to keep you busy until your program arrives, also I caution you to use the search function before starting threads, a lot of useful info can be found in old threads, just remember, the question you have has probably already been asked.

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I will receive the game next week so I have time over weekend to try and find those mods.


So if I download these packs:


Mig-21 Complete Pack 1.1



GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0



New Forest and Trees modification for WOE Tiles_REPAINT_GermanyCE terain by Brian32



Where can I find campaigns to play with them? Is there a way to play the original campaign as Soviet pilot?

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To add flyable migs to the stock campagins, read through this:




It will help you get an idea for how the campaigns work. Extract the appropriate files out of WOE, and try your hand at making the edits required to fly for the Red. In short, you will need to:


1. Make the stock Mig of your choice flyable by adding a cockpit from the downloads section, or sub in one of the flyable migs you downloaded.

2. Add weapons to that unit in the campaign_data.ini.

3. Add the unit and the appropriate lines to the campaign.ini.

Edited by malibu43

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How can I disable the RWR warning sound when enemy ground radar locks on you? Kinda annoying to hear it all the time even when I'm out of their SAMs range.

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